Sunday, November 16, 2008

This week in my lab the organisms I viewed was unbelievable. There was so much more things going on this week than in the three weeks leading up to this.
The first thing I viewed was there was a ton of shelled rotifers. There was so many this week, in comparison to the weeks before. The rotifers were a lot bigger this week and there was a lot more of them. The second thing i viewed was a whole lot of Polyeoriopsis, this is a algae. These organisms are in the shape of a box with three strands on each of the sides of the box, being 12 total strands. I also reported seeing two more types of algae. I viewed a Micractinium this is an organisms with five to six balls in the center with five to six long strands "poll like" stretching out of the center of the organisms. Actinastrum was the most apparent type of algae I viewed. This had a ball like center with five to six strands coming out of it, this object resembled a star.
A new organism I viewed this week that i have not viewed in the pass was a Micro Invertebrates it was a Cyclops, a copecod. It was a organism that had two tentacles coming out of its head, in the center of its head it had two light receptors but these were so close to together it just looked like one, this is were they get the name Cyclops.
There were a lot of diatoms present this week also. I also viewed a Amoebaproteus this was a long oddshaped blue green organism.
Something i viewed this week that was on familiar to myself or Dr. McFarland was a strand of what appeared to be a brownish bacteria. This was in a swarm like substance. This also could have been Flagnlates, we could not tell completely because of the lack of the ability to see the object up close.
Finally in the Micro Aquarium all of the leaves on the algae were dead or dying, the leaves were all blue and purple in coloring.
There were many neat and interesting things I viewed in the four weeks spent on this term project. I have learned a lot of information with a more hands on approach.

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